The Hopps Partnership

What is The Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors

What is the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors?

The Hopps Partnership are proud members of both the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors who govern all aspects of surveying but more specifically, we are members of the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors (FPWS). The following text is taken from the FPWS website:

‘Prior to 1997 procedures covering works to party walls , party structures and certain excavations close to adjoining properties were generally limited to central London; although historically similar legislation covered cities such as Bristol, this had long since fallen by the wayside. Consequently, there were few surveyors practicing in this field.

In 1997 the Government introduced party wall legislation across the whole of England & Wales in the form of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. It was recognised by a number of experienced practitioners that the shortage of surveyors available to administer this legislation had to be addressed and the Faculty was born out of this national need for education and support for surveyors but also to enhance awareness and provide advice and guidance to the general public.

The objective of the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors is to promote the highest standards of professional practice in this field of expertise and to expand the knowledge and study of all matters to do with party walls, to encourage the exchange of information and ideas amongst its Members.

We have enjoyed steady and continual growth nationally since our inception and we now benefit from legal support and counsel when required; this is available to all Members. Referrals for appointments as Party Wall Surveyors are also provided to Members via our website.’

With thanks to FPWS.

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